Friday, October 17, 2008

The Presidential Campigne of 2008
The two canadates are Brack Obama and John McCain. Brack is the canidate for the demacrat party and John is the canidate for the Reprubllican party.
If I was able to vote I would vote for Obama. There are many different reanson why I would vote for him and not John. I will discuss the issues of: Education and why I think Obama is Better.
Obama's out look on education is to offer more help to high needing schools and educate teachers so they can serve in them. It is so true because there are schools that need help finacally and need teachers to teach.
John wants to keep the law’s emphasis on standards and achievement but focus on individual achievement rather than group averages.I have other reasons why I like Brak better. For example I think it is time America needs a minority president. I am for the Demacratic party and I think that becasue of the Rebulican's our economy is going down the tubes because of Busch spending money on the war and not on the government. I belive Obama has much more to offer than Mccain and belive he will do anything for the economy.Obama is for giving tax breaks to the poor and to smaller companies. McCain is with the bush tax break

Friday, October 3, 2008


Heyerz im Jill i luv animals